Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I got on facebook this morning (the bane of public forum, I know) and noticed that a friend of mine didn't realize I had my appendix out and didn't know why I had been missing so much as of late. My very close friend, 'Ginger', told her what was up and said that she missed me.

Now I know it's a normal thing for people to miss you when you've been a hermit for 10 days, but seeing Ginge, not the most open or emotional person in the world, tell everybody on facebook that she missed me... well it induced an AWWW moment and I immediately invited her over for coffee and lunch. Now seeing as I'm not sleeping in, forever grateful for the relief from school called Thanksgiving break like the rest of my friends, I'm sure she won't see this until later, but I wanted to write this before I talked to her anyhow.

It's things like this that make you really realize that not only do you need your friends, but they need you just as much. Here I was feeling lonely and basically helpless post-op, and I didn't even think that my friends might have missed my company just as much as I missed theirs. It really makes me grateful that I have such fantastic relationships with my few good friends. My other very close friend "Pixy" is exactly the same, and I love her and Ginge like sisters. We're a fantastic trio and I don't think I ever could have been luckier than to land two amazing girls who are so down to earth and beautiful as these two for friends. The relationship I have with these chicas is just as powerful as any lust-love-boyfriend-girlfriend relationship I could ever think of, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Do you have friends as close as sisters or brothers? Do you ever take them for granted, or take yourself for granted in your relationships with them? What's your favorite way to spend time with them? Let me know!

See you when I see you.

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