Sunday, December 9, 2012


J. and I started officially dating on June 9th, 2012. Today being the 9th of December means we did it: we made it through half of one year. Big whoop right? But I think it kind of is.

J. and I were talking about month-anniversaries and how there are a few big ones (like one, three, six, and twelve) but that they didn't matter as much to us in the long run since we are constantly referring to our future together. Still, six months is an important anniversary for us, and I'm willing to venture that this can be true for all couples...

The bittersweet "honeymoon" stage of a relationship, where people usually find their partners to be perfect and flawless, and where lustiness usually runs its highest, tends to last about 6 months in a healthy, mature relationship. Near the end of that phase, you really start to see where your relationship could be heading downhill or, perhaps, up hill. J. and I have definitely learned a lot about each other in the past six months. I know him very well and he knows me like the back of his hand. We handle each other's mood swings with a practiced easiness now, and we usually know what the other person wants even if they don't specifically ask for it. We're very comfortable with each other now, and never get embarrassed in front of each other about stupid things any more. The only "fights" we ever get in are hardly fights at all-- more like acknowledgements of each others flaws as they come up. And even then, we gently mention to the other that a certain trait is slightly hurtful/annoying/hard to deal with, and then we fix it and move on. I have never been so mad at J. as to not talk to him or throw a fit, and neither has he. Maybe this is just the beginning of what is to come in our relationship, but to be positive: "so far, so good".

I do think that this situation applies to all relationships as much as it does to mine. As long as there is good communication and give and take, not to mention a willingness to compromise, relationships tend to find their balance after about 6 months. After that, it's just trying to make it work after finding what you NEED to make that happen.

Anyway, J. and I didn't end up being able to see each other, or celebrate, but hopefully this will be the first milestone of many.

Have any fun ways to celebrate anniversaries? Do you make them a big deal, or casually mention it? Have you or your partner ever forgotten when you shouldn't have? Let me know!

See you when I see you.

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